Quasi static process

Quasi static process

When a process is processing in such a way that system will be remained infinitesimally close with equilibrium state at each time, such process will be termed as quasi static process or quasi equilibrium process.

In simple words, we can say that if system is going under a thermodynamic process through succession of thermodynamic states and each state is equilibrium state then the process will be termed as quasi static process.

Quasi static process
Quasi static process

We will see one example for understanding the quasi static process, but let us consider one simple example for better understanding of quasi static process. If a person is coming down from roof to ground floor with the help of ladder steps then it could be considered as quasi static process. But if he jumps from roof to ground floor then it will not be a quasi static process.

Weight placed over the piston is just balancing the force which is exerted in upward direction by gas. If we remove the weight from the piston, system will have unbalanced force and piston will move in upward direction due to force acting over the piston in upward direction by the gas.

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